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%----------Kurzfassung DEUTSCH----------------------------------------------------------------
Deutschsprachige Kurzfassung...
Tastaturen sind in der modernen Gesellschaft allgegenwärtig. Ob in
Krankenhäusern, Einzelhandelsgeschäften, Büros oder zu Hause - die Tastatur ist
nach wie vor das meistgenutzte Eingabegerät für fast alle, die mit einem
Computer arbeiten. Einige Benutzer:innen empfinden jedoch irgendwann Unbehagen
oder sogar Schmerzen bei der Verwendung einer Tastatur, da die Finger viele
kleine und sich wiederholende Bewegungen ausführen müssen, um die Tasten zu
bedienen. Daher versuchen wir in dieser Bachelorarbeit, ein alternatives, nicht
uniformes Tastaturdesign zu evaluieren, bei dem jede einzelne mechanische Taste
mit einer Feder ausgestattet ist, die einen Widerstand aufweist, der dem
spezifischen Finger entspricht, der sie normalerweise bedient. Die Idee hinter
diesem angepassten Design ist, insbesondere die schwächeren Finger zu entlasten
und trotzdem die Produktivität beizubehalten oder sogar zu verbessern. Deshalb
versuchen wir die Frage zu beantworten, ob eine Tastatur mit einer für jeden
Finger angepassten Betätigungskraft einen positiven Einfluss auf die Effizienz
und die allgemeine Zufriedenheit während der Benutzung hat. Darum haben wir die
aktuelle Verfügbarkeit von Widerständen für mechanische Tastenschalter evaluiert
und eine erste telefonische Befragung (n = 17) durchgeführt, um Präferenzen,
Anwendungsfälle und bisherige Erfahrungen mit Tastaturen zu ermitteln. Darüber
hinaus führten wir ein weiteres Experiment durch, bei dem wir die maximal
ausübbare Kraft für jeden Finger in verschiedenen, mit dem Drücken einer Taste
verbundenen Positionen maßen und im Anschluss als Grundlage für unser
angepasstes Tastaturdesign verwendeten. Schließlich wurden in einer dreiwöchigen
Laborstudie mit 24 Teilnehmern das angepasste Tastaturdesign und drei
herkömmliche Tastaturen mit 35 g, 50 g und 80 g Betätigungskraft in Bezug auf
Leistung und allgemeine Zufriedenheit miteinander verglichen. Die statistische
Auswertung ergab, dass vor allem die Fehlerquote durch höhere Betätigungskräfte
positiv beeinflusst wird und dass Tastaturen mit weder zu hohem noch zu geringem
Widerstand generell am besten in Bezug auf die Schreibgeschwindigkeit
abschneiden. Darüber hinaus waren die Ergebnisse für die angepasste Tastatur und
die 50-g-Tastatur in allen Tests nahezu identisch, so dass wir keine
signifikanten Verbesserungen in Bezug auf Leistung oder Zufriedenheit im
Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Designs, welche Tastenschalter mit moderatem
Widerstand verwenden, ableiten konnten. Wir kamen jedoch zu dem Schluss, dass
das angepasste Design aufgrund der gleich guten Ergebnisse immer noch eine
brauchbare Alternative ist und mit weiteren Verbesserungen, z. B. einer
vollständigen Personalisierung des Federwiderstands für jede Taste,
möglicherweise das Erlebnis bei der Verwendung und die Leistung für
anspruchsvolle Benutzer:innen verbessern könnte.
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%----------Zusammenfassung Englisch/Abstract----------------------------------------------------------------
Here goes the abstract (English language)...
Keyboards are omnipresent in modern society. Hospitals, retail stores, offices
or at home, the keyboard is still, the main input device for almost anyone that
interacts with a computer. However, at some point, many people experience
discomfort or even pain while using a keyboard because of the many small and
repetitive movements the fingers have to do to operate it. Therefore, in this
thesis we try to evaluate an alternative, non-uniform keyboard design, where
each individual \textit{mechanical} keyswitch is equipped with a spring, that
features a resistance, appropriate for the specific finger usually operating
it. The idea behind this adjusted design is to particularly reduce the load on
weaker fingers and still pertain or even enhance typing
performance. Additionally, we try to answer the question, whether or not a
keyboard with, per finger, adjusted actuation force has a positive impact on
efficiency and overall satisfaction. Thus, we evaluated the current availability
of resistances for mechanical keyswitches and conducted a preliminary telephone
interview (n = 17) to assess preferences, use-cases and previous experiences
with keyboards. Further, we ran another preliminary experiment, where we
measured the maximum applicable force for each finger in different positions
related to keyboarding as a basis for our adjusted keyboard design. Lastly,
during a three week laboratory user study with twenty-four participants, the
adjusted keyboard design and three traditional keyboards with 35 g, 50 g and 80
g actuation force where compared to each other in terms of performance and user
satisfaction. The statistical analysis revealed, that especially error rates are
positively influenced by higher actuation forces and that keyboards with neither
to heavy nor to light resistance generally perform the best in terms of typing
speed. Further, the adjusted keyboard and the 50 g keyboard performed almost
identically in all tests and therefore we could not derive any significant
improvements in performance or satisfaction over traditional designs that
utilize keyswitches with moderate resistance. However, we concluded, that with
the equally good results, the adjusted design is still a viable alternative and
with further improvements, e.g., complete personalization of spring resistance
for each key, could possibly enhance the user experience and performance for
sophisticated typists.
% Even though experts recommend to regularly take a break from
% keyboard work to prevent such symptoms, these recommendations can rarely be
% implemented in working environments, where productivity and tight schedules are
% very common. If the pain or discomfort persists, people have to either reduce or
% a completely stop working with a keyboard, which in some cases might even force
% them to change their profession.
@ -1,16 +1,78 @@
Since keyboards are still the main data input device while using a computer and
are also found to be related to discomfort or even \glsfirst{WRUED}
\cite{pascarelli_wrued}, we tried to evaluate a possible modification to the
existing keyboard design, that does not require the consumers to extensively
adapt their typing behaviour, nor the producers to massively deviate from
existing manufacturing processes. Therefore, we created a keyboard that used
keyswitches with actuation forces, related to the specific finger the keyswitch
is operated with.
existing manufacturing processes. To reduce the load on weaker fingers, we
created a keyboard that used keyswitches with actuation forces, related to the
specific finger the keyswitch is operated with and hoped to thereby decrease the
risk for \gls{WRUED}. The evaluation of the impact of different actuation forces
on typing speed, error rate and satisfaction revealed, that higher actuation
forces reduce error rates compared to lower actuation forces and that the typing
speed is also influenced, \textbf{at least indirectly}, by differences in
actuation force. Especially the keyboard with very low actuation force,
\textit{Nyx (35 g)}, which also had the highest average error rate was
significantly slower than all other keyboards. Therefore, we investigated, if
there is a connection between high error rates and stagnating typing speed and
found, that in general, the error rate was a factor for lower input
rates. Neither the satisfaction nor the muscle activity was significantly
influenced solely by the actuation.
\subsection{Future work}
In conclusion, our study showed, that the keyboard with non-uniform actuation
forces―\textit{Hera (35 - 60 g)}―was not able to improve the overall typing
experience significantly enough to supersede existing designs, but was still a
viable alternative to all traditional keyboards we tested. It could be possible,
that due to the unconventional force distribution, that similar to keyboards
with very light actuation force, the muscle activity while using \textit{Hera}
could decrease when users are given more time to adapt to this keyboard
\cite{gerard_keyswitch}. Additionally, we found that keyboards with either very
high (80 g) or very low (35 g) actuation forces had the most influence on typing
related metrics, when compared to the more commonly sold keyboards with around
50 g to 60 g actuation force. In the next sections we identify possible
limitations and propose some ideas on how to reevaluate custom keyboard designs
in future studies.
The first limitation of our study design was the rather short time period of in
total 10 minutes, for every participant to adjust to each keyboard. With
prolonged typing session, familiarization, especially for keyboards with lighter
actuation force, would have been more realistic to a real life scenario where a
person bought a new keyboard. Furthermore, the laboratory test environment where
the researcher was in the same room, the limited time for the individual typing
tests and the rather short breaks in between typing tests, could have influenced
some subjects by inducing unnecessary stress. Another limitation related to the
preliminary finger strength study, was the very small number of participants (n
= 6). Although we measured the finger strengths in different positions for 50\%
female and male participants, the age distribution was not diverse (M = 24) and
with a higher number of subjects, the results would have been much more
reliable. Similarly, the number and diversity in occupation of participants
could have been higher for our main study (n = 24) to yield even more meaningful
results. The low number of participants in general was partly due to the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, we could have used more linear mixed models during
our statistical analysis, to be able to make statements about the influence of
other factors e.g., age, gender, average daily keyboard usage, etc., on speed,
error rate and satisfaction.
\subsection{Future work}
We propose, that in further research related to keyboards with non-uniform
actuation force (adjusted keyboards), participants should test several different
adjusted keyboards and the results should be compared to one identical looking
keyboard that utilizes a uniform layout of keyswitches with an actuation force
of 50 g to 65 g. Further, different adjusted layouts, with e.g. higher or lower
base actuation force than 50 g could be used to calculate the individual spring
resistances used for each key or a similar layout to the one used in
Realforce\footnote{\url{https://www.realforce.co.jp/en/products/}} keyboards,
could be compared to each other. Furthermore, long term studies with adjusted
keyboards, where participants use the adjusted keyboard for 3 to 4 months and
then use a uniform keyboard they prefer for another 3 to 4 months as their daily
driver, could yield more accurate results, due to the chance to fully adapt to
the individual keyboards. During those months \gls{EMG} and typing related
metrics should be measured on a regular basis. Lastly, it would be interesting
to investigate if an adjusted keyboard can reduce pain or at least enhance
comfort for typists with pre-existing diseases influenced by typing activities
(disorders of the upper extremity), since one of our participants with a similar
disease reported a great reduction in pain while using \textit{Hera}.
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