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% Fix for mdtheorem separator: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/179794/226500
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% ----Glossar-------------------------------------------------------------------------
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% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% \includeonly{
% glossary,
% mainpart,
% % fazit,
% appendices
% }
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------DOKUMENT-BEGINN-----------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin { document}
% ----Vermeidung von Hurenkindern und Schusterjungen---------------------
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% Titelseite/title page
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% Erklärung
\include { affidavit}
% Danksagung
\include { acknowledgments}
% Kurfassung/Abstract German (only for thesis written in German)
\include { abstractDE}
% Kurzfassung/Abstract Englisch (for every thesis)
\include { abstractEN}
% Sperrvermerk/Confidentiality clause (if any)
% \include{confidentialityClause}
% \cleardoublepage
% Inhaltsverzeichnis
\renewcommand { \contentsname } { Table of contents} % Remove for German thesis
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------Ausarbeitung--------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Arabische Nummerierung der Kapitel/Arabic page numbering
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% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -----Anhang---------------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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% Glossar/Glossary
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% \glsaddall
% Abbildungsverzeichnis/List of figures
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% Tabellenverzeichnis/List of tables
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% Literaturliste/Literature references
% \bibliographystyle{abbrvdin} % DIN-Norm für Literaturdarstellung plaindin
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% Anhänge/Appendices
% \include{appendices}
% \cleardoublepage
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% ----------------DOKUMENTENENDE - END OF DOCUMENT------------------------------------
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