% I3BLOCKS(1) # NAME i3blocks - A flexible scheduler for your i3bar blocks # SYNOPSIS i3blocks [*options*] # DESCRIPTION **i3blocks** allows one to easily describe blocks in a simple format, and generate a status line for i3bar(1). It handles clicks, signals and time interval for user scripts. #OPTIONS -c <configfile> : Specifies an alternate configuration file path. By default, i3blocks looks for configuration files in the following order (note that /etc may be prefixed with /usr/local depending on the compilation flags): 1. ~/.config/i3blocks/config (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3blocks/config if set) 2. ~/.i3blocks.conf 3. /etc/xdg/i3blocks/config (or $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/i3blocks/config if set) 4. /etc/i3blocks.conf -v : Log level. This option is cumulative. By default, error messages are displayed on stderr. Passed once, a failure during an update is shown within the block. Passed twice enables the debug messages on stderr. -V : Print the version and exit. -h : Print the help message and exit. # CONFIGURATION The configuration file is an ini file. Each section describes a new block. A line beginning with a `#` sign is a comment, and empty lines are ignored. A property is a `key=value` pair per line, with no space around the equal sign. Properties declared outside a block (i.e. at the beginning of the file) describe global settings. Here is an example config file: # This is a comment interval=5 color=#00FF00 [weather] command=~/bin/weather.pl interval=1800 [time] command=date +%T To use i3blocks as your status line, define it in a *bar* block of your `~/i3/config` file: bar { status_command i3blocks } # BLOCK The properties used to describe a block are the keys specified in the i3bar protocol http://i3wm.org/docs/i3bar-protocol.html , plus additional properties used by **i3blocks** to describe when and how to update a block. All the supported properties are described below. The following keys are standard, see http://i3wm.org/docs/i3bar-protocol.html for details. - `full_text` - `short_text` - `color` - `background` - `border` - `min_width` - `align` - `name` - `instance` - `urgent` - `separator` - `separator_block_width` - `markup` The following keys are specific to **i3blocks**. `command` : The command executed by a shell, used to update the block. The expected behavior is described below, in the **COMMAND** section. `interval` : If it is a positive integer, then the block is spawned on startup and the value is used as a time interval in seconds to schedule future updates. If unspecified or 0, the block won't be executed on startup (which is useful to simulate buttons). If "*once*" (or -1), the block will be executed only on startup (note that a click or signal will still trigger an update). If "*repeat*" (or -2), the block will be spawned on startup, and as soon as it terminates (useful to repeat blocking commands). Use with caution! If "*persist*" (or -3), the block will be executed only on startup, and updated as soon as it outputs a line. Thus limited to single line updates. `signal` : The signal number used to update the block. All the real-time (think prioritized and queueable) signals are available to the user. The number is valid between 1 and N, where SIGRTMIN+N = SIGRTMAX. (Note: there are 31 real-time signals in Linux.) For instance, `signal=10` means that this block will be updated when **i3blocks** receives SIGRTMIN+10. `label` : An optional label to preprend to the `full_text` after an update. `format` : This property specifies the format of the output text. The default format is plain text, as described in the **COMMAND** section. If "json" (or 1) is used, the block output is parsed as JSON. # COMMAND The value of the `command` key will be passed and executed as is by a shell. The standard output of the command line is used to update the block content. Each non-empty line of the output will overwrite the corresponding property: 1. full_text 2. short_text 3. color For example, this script sets the `full_text` in blue but no `short_text`: echo "Here's my label" echo echo \#0000FF If the command line returns 0 or 33, the block is updated. Otherwise, it is considered a failure and the first line (if any) is still displayed. Note that stderr is ignored. A return code of 33 will set the `urgent` flag to true. For example, this script prints the battery percentage and sets the urgent flag if it is below 10%: BAT=`acpi -b | grep -E -o '[0-9][0-9]?%'` echo "BAT: $BAT" test ${BAT%?} -le 10 && exit 33 || exit 0 When forking a block command, **i3blocks** will set the environment with some `BLOCK_*` variables. The following variables are always provided, with eventually an empty string as the value. `BLOCK_NAME` : The name of the block (usually the section name). `BLOCK_INSTANCE` : An optional argument to the script. `BLOCK_BUTTON` : Mouse button (1, 2 or 3) if the block was clicked. `BLOCK_X` and `BLOCK_Y` : Coordinates where the click occurred, if the block was clicked. Here is an example using the environment: [block] command=echo name=$BLOCK_NAME instance=$BLOCK_INSTANCE interval=1 [clickme] full_text=Click me! command=echo button=$BLOCK_BUTTON x=$BLOCK_X y=$BLOCK_Y min_width=button=1 x=1366 y=768 align=left Note that **i3blocks** provides a set of optional scripts for convenience, such as network status, battery check, cpu load, volume, etc. # EXAMPLES As an example, here is a close configuration to i3status(1) default settings: **TODO** interval=5 signal=10 [ipv6] [free] [dhcp] [vpn] [wifi] [ethernet] min_width=E: (1000 Mbit/s) [battery] [cpu] [datetime] The following block shows the usage of `signal` with some i3(1) bindings which adjust the volume, before issuing a `pkill -RTMIN+1 i3blocks`: [volume] command=echo -n 'Volume: '; amixer get Master | grep -E -o '[0-9][0-9]?%' interval=once signal=1 # no interval, only check on SIGRTMIN+1 Here is an example of a very minimalist config, assuming you have a bunch of scripts under `~/bin/blocks/` with the same name as the blocks: command=~/bin/blocks/$BLOCK_NAME interval=1 [free] [wifi] [ethernet] [battery] [cpu] [datetime] # SEE ALSO The development of i3blocks takes place on [Github](https://github.com/vivien/i3blocks). The [wiki](https://github.com/vivien/i3blocks/wiki) is a good source of examples for blocks and screenshots. `i3` (1), `i3bar` (1), `i3status` (1) # Reporting Bugs Please report bugs on the [issue tracker](https://github.com/vivien/i3blocks/issues). # Known Bugs None. # AUTHOR Written by Vivien Didelot <vivien.didelot@gmail.com>. # COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2014 Vivien Didelot <vivien.didelot@gmail.com> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.