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## Dunst

* [Wiki][wiki]
* [Description](#description)
* [Compiling](#compiling)
* [Copyright](#copyright)

## Description

Dunst is a highly configurable and lightweight notification daemon.

## Compiling

Dunst has a number of build dependencies that must be present before attempting configuration. The names are different depending on [distribution](https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst/wiki/Dependencies):

- dbus
- libxinerama
- libxrandr
- libxss
- libxdg-basedir
- glib
- pango/cairo
- libgtk-3-dev

Checkout the [wiki][wiki] for more information.

## Bug reports

Please use the [issue tracker][issue-tracker] provided by GitHub to send us bug reports or feature requests. You can also join us on the IRC channel `#dunst` on Freenode.

## Mantainers

Nikos Tsipinakis <nikos@tsipinakis.com>

Jonathan Lusso <jonilusso@gmail.com>

## Author

written by Sascha Kruse <dunst@knopwob.de>

## Copyright

copyright 2013 Sascha Kruse and contributors (see LICENSE for licensing information)

If you feel that copyrights are violated, please send me an email.

[issue-tracker]:  https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst/issues
[wiki]: https://github.com/dunst-project/dunst/wiki