@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ A,M,st,Terminal Emulator compiled manually from dotfiles repo
A,P,i3-gaps,A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features including gaps
A,P,i3-gaps,A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features including gaps
A,A,polybar-git,A fast and easy-to-use status bar
A,A,polybar-git,A fast and easy-to-use status bar
A,P,dmenu,Generic menu for X
A,P,dmenu,Generic menu for X
A,P,nitrogen,Background browser and setter for X windows
A,P,feh,Image toolbelt
# Display management
# Display management
A,P,arandr,Provide a simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2.
A,P,arandr,Provide a simple visual front end for XRandR 1.2.