Added descriptions for some packages and xournal

toerd 6 years ago
parent d85b848588
commit 93f1429505

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ A,P,xfsprogs,XFS filesystem utilities
A,P,intel-ucode,Microcode update files for Intel CPUs
L,P,acpi,Client for battery power and thermal readings
L,P,acpid,A daemon for delivering ACPI power management events with netlink support
A,P,openssh,Premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol
# Package management
A,P,reflector,sort mirrorlist
A,P,reflector,A script to retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list.
# Fonts
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ A,P,noto-fonts,more glyphs
# X
A,P,xorg,The whole xorg group
A,P,xorg-xinit,The whole xorg group
A,P,xorg-xinit,X.Org initialisation program
A,P,xcompmgr,Required for st to get transparent background
A,P,xcape,Configure modifier keys to act as other keys when pressed and released on their own
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ A,P,imlib2,Required lib to preview images in st + ranger
# Text editing
A,P,gvim,Vi Improved a highly configurable improved version of the vi text editor (with advanced features such as a GUI)
A,P,emacs,The extensible customizable self-documenting real-time display editor
A,P,xournal,Notetaking and sketching application
# Mail
A,P,mu,Maildir indexer/searcher and Emacs client (mu4e)
@ -78,9 +79,9 @@ A,P,flameshot,snipping tool for screenshots and stuff
A,P,syncthing,tool to sync all my docs
# Programming
A,P,clang,C language family frontend for LLVM
A,P,llvm-libs,LLVM runtime libraries
A,P,llvm,Collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies
# moved this here because it conflicts with x server todo add group memberships and udev rules (good2know)
L,A,acpilight,A backward-compatibile xbacklight replacement based on ACPI
1 # First column: A = All, L = Laptop, D = Desktop
13 L,P,acpi,Client for battery power and thermal readings
14 L,P,acpid,A daemon for delivering ACPI power management events with netlink support
15 A,P,openssh,ssh A,P,openssh,Premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol
16 # Package management
17 A,P,reflector,sort mirrorlist A,P,reflector,A script to retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list.
18 # Fonts
19 A,A,nerd-fonts-hack,Systemfont
20 A,P,ttf-hack,Systemfont fallback
21 A,A,ttf-font-awesome-4,Glyphs fallback
22 A,A,ttf-unifont,more font support
27 A,P,xcompmgr,Required for st to get transparent background
28 A,P,xcape,Configure modifier keys to act as other keys when pressed and released on their own
29 # Terminal Emulator
30 A,M,st,Terminal Emulator compiled manually from dotfiles repo
31 # Window Management and eyecandy
32 A,P,i3-gaps,A fork of i3wm tiling window manager with more features including gaps
33 A,P,i3bar,statusbar which comes with i3
52 A,P,zathura-pdf-mupdf,Adds pdf support to zathura by using the mupdf engine # Pdf viewer
53 # General stuff A,P,zathura-pdf-mupdf,Adds pdf support to zathura by using the mupdf engine
54 A,P,htop,Interactive process viewer # General stuff
55 A,P,htop,Interactive process viewer
56 A,P,alsa-plugins,Extra alsa plugins
57 A,P,alsa-utils,An alternative implementation of Linux sound support
58 A,P,pass,Stores retrieves generates and synchronizes passwords securely