added claws-mail

Toerd@archlinux 5 years ago
parent 1edc85c9db
commit 541b9fa1ad

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ A,P,minted,Syntaxhighlighting for Latex
# Mail
# A,A,mu,Maildir indexer/searcher and Emacs client (mu4e)
# A,P,offlineimap,Synchronizes emails between two repositories
A,P,sylpheed,Mailclient written in C
A,P,claws-mail,Mailclient written in C
# Webbrowsing
A,P,qutebrowser,A keyboard-driven vim-like browser based on PyQt5

1 # First column: A = All, L = Laptop, D = Desktop
94 A,P,unzip,Unzip stuff
95 A,P,unrar,Unpacking rar
96 A,P,p7zip,Command-line file archiver with high compression ratio
97 A,P,ripgrep,A search tool that combines the usability of ag with the raw speed of grep
98 A,P,fzf,fuzzy bash completion
99 A,P,aspell,no desc
100 A,P,aspell-en,no desc