Added biber (citation backend)

Toerd@480 6 years ago
parent 87319cc33c
commit 3b10132370

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ A,P,texlive-core,latex export (orgmode)
A,P,texlive-latexextra,latex export (orgmode)
A,P,texlive-bibtexextra,Latex biblatex support
A,P,texlive-science,Latex Math support
A,P,biber,Citation for latex (new backend)
# Mail
A,A,mu,Maildir indexer/searcher and Emacs client (mu4e)
A,P,offlineimap,Synchronizes emails between two repositories

1 # First column: A = All, L = Laptop, D = Desktop
79 A,A,pass-git-helper,git password helper A,P,pass,Stores retrieves generates and synchronizes passwords securely
80 A,P,python-tldextract,lib for qute-pass A,A,pass-git-helper,git password helper
81 A,P,zip,Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles A,P,python-tldextract,lib for qute-pass
82 A,P,zip,Compressor/archiver for creating and modifying zipfiles
83 A,P,unzip,Unzip stuff
84 A,P,p7zip,Command-line file archiver with high compression ratio
85 A,P,ripgrep,A search tool that combines the usability of ag with the raw speed of grep