@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";
static int borderpx = 2;
static char *font = "-UNKN-Ttyp0-normal-normal-normal-*-17-*-*-*-m-*-iso10646-1";
static int borderpx = 8;
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
char *termname = "st-256color";
char *termname = "xterm-256color";
* spaces per tab
@ -85,41 +85,46 @@ unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
/* 8 normal colors */
[0] = "#1d1f21", /* black */
[1] = "#cc6666", /* red */
[2] = "#b5bd68", /* green */
[3] = "#f0c674", /* yellow */
[4] = "#81a2be", /* blue */
[5] = "#b294bb", /* magenta */
[6] = "#8abeb7", /* cyan */
[7] = "#c5c8c6", /* white */
/* 8 bright colors */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
[8] = "#969896", /* black */
[9] = "#cc6666", /* red */
[10] = "#b5bd68", /* green */
[11] = "#f0c674", /* yellow */
[12] = "#81a2be", /* blue */
[13] = "#b294bb", /* magenta */
[14] = "#8abeb7", /* cyan */
[15] = "#ffffff", /* white */
/* special colors */
[256] = "#1d1f21", /* background */
[257] = "#c5c8c6", /* foreground */
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
* foreground, background, cursor
unsigned int defaultfg = 257;
unsigned int defaultbg = 256;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 257;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 256;
* Colors used, when the specific fg == defaultfg. So in reverse mode this
* will reverse too. Another logic would only make the simple feature too
* complex.
unsigned int defaultfg = 7;
unsigned int defaultbg = 0;
static unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
static unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
static unsigned int defaultitalic = 7;
static unsigned int defaultunderline = 7;
* Default shape of cursor
@ -157,14 +162,51 @@ static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Xresources preferences to load at startup
ResourcePref resources[] = {
{ "font", STRING, &font },
{ "black", STRING, &colorname[0] },
{ "red", STRING, &colorname[1] },
{ "green", STRING, &colorname[2] },
{ "yellow", STRING, &colorname[3] },
{ "blue", STRING, &colorname[4] },
{ "magenta", STRING, &colorname[5] },
{ "cyan", STRING, &colorname[6] },
{ "white", STRING, &colorname[7] },
{ "b_black", STRING, &colorname[8] },
{ "b_red", STRING, &colorname[9] },
{ "b_green", STRING, &colorname[10] },
{ "b_yellow", STRING, &colorname[11] },
{ "b_blue", STRING, &colorname[12] },
{ "b_magenta", STRING, &colorname[13] },
{ "b_cyan", STRING, &colorname[14] },
{ "b_white", STRING, &colorname[15] },
{ "background", STRING, &colorname[256] },
{ "foreground", STRING, &colorname[257] },
{ "cursorColor", STRING, &colorname[258] },
{ "termname", STRING, &termname },
{ "shell", STRING, &shell },
{ "xfps", INTEGER, &xfps },
{ "actionfps", INTEGER, &actionfps },
{ "blinktimeout", INTEGER, &blinktimeout },
{ "bellvolume", INTEGER, &bellvolume },
{ "tabspaces", INTEGER, &tabspaces },
{ "borderpx", INTEGER, &borderpx },
{ "cwscale", FLOAT, &cwscale },
{ "chscale", FLOAT, &chscale },
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
const unsigned int mousescrollincrement = 3;
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
/* mask button function argument release */
{ ShiftMask, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = 1} },
{ ShiftMask, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = 1} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = mousescrollincrement}, 0, /* !alt */ -1 },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = mousescrollincrement}, 0, /* !alt */ -1 },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },