Merge remote-tracking branch ''

phga 3 years ago
commit 1be4cfdd7e
Signed by: phga
GPG Key ID: 5249548AA705F019

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="3297", ATTRS{idProduct}=="4974", ENV{XKBMODEL}="pc104", ENV{XKBLAYOUT}="us", ENV{XKBVARIANT}="altgr-intl"
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="422d", ENV{XKBMODEL}="pc104", ENV{XKBLAYOUT}="us", ENV{XKBVARIANT}="altgr-intl"
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="3265", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", ENV{XKBMODEL}="pc104", ENV{XKBLAYOUT}="us", ENV{XKBVARIANT}="altgr-intl"
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0c45", ATTRS{idProduct}=="652f", ENV{XKBMODEL}="pc104", ENV{XKBLAYOUT}="de"

@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ case $todo in
set_permissions "Defaults timestamp_timeout=45\n%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL\n%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/shutdown,/usr/bin/reboot,/usr/bin/systemctl suspend,/usr/bin/wifi-menu,/usr/bin/mount,/usr/bin/umount,/usr/bin/pacman -Syu,/usr/bin/pacman -Ss,/usr/bin/pacman -Syyu,/usr/bin/pacman -Syyu --noconfirm,/usr/bin/loadkeys"
set_permissions "Defaults timestamp_timeout=45\n%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL\n%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/shutdown,/usr/bin/reboot,/usr/bin/systemctl suspend"
enable_service "--user syncthing"
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ case $todo in
enable_service "systemd-networkd"
enable_service "systemd-timesyncd" "atd"
enable_service "systemd-timesyncd" "atd" "bluetooth"

@ -23,13 +23,14 @@ D,P,nvidia,Graphics driver
A,P,expac,Pacman Database Extraction Tool (Get Install-Date)
A,P,qt5ct,Tool to change themes for qt apps
L,P,wireless_tools,Used for lemonbar output
# libraries
# A,M,pyorgmode,lib to create and modify orgmode files used in quteb script
# Tablet related
A,A,digimend-kernel-drivers-dkms-git,drivers for the huion tablet
A,A,digimend-kernel-drivers-dkms,drivers for the huion tablet
A,P,at,used to run the set button script after udev trigger
# Package management
A,P,reflector,A script to retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list.
@ -92,14 +93,18 @@ A,P,alsa-utils,An alternative implementation of Linux sound support
# A,A,apulse,Compatibility layer for applications that rely on pulseaudio
A,P,pulseaudio,Sound server
A,P,pulseaudio-alsa,ALSA Configuration for PulseAudio
A,P,pulseaudio-jack,Jack support for PulseAudio
A,P,jack2,C++ version of the JACK low-latency audio server for multi-processor machines
A,P,jack2-dbus,The JACK low-latency audio server (dbus integration)
A,P,a2jmidid,Dbus midi jack thingy
A,P,qjackctl,A Qt front-end for the JACK low-latency audio server
A,P,python-dbus,Python bindings for DBUS
A,P,realtime-privileges,Required for realtime applications
A,P,pavucontrol-qt,GUI to manage PulseAudio
D,P,pulseaudio-jack,Jack support for PulseAudio
D,P,jack2,C++ version of the JACK low-latency audio server for multi-processor machines
D,P,jack2-dbus,The JACK low-latency audio server (dbus integration)
D,P,a2jmidid,Dbus midi jack thingy
D,P,qjackctl,A Qt front-end for the JACK low-latency audio server
D,P,python-dbus,Python bindings for DBUS
D,P,realtime-privileges,Required for realtime applications
A,P,blueman,Bluetooth manager
A,P,pulseaudio-bluetooth,Bluetooth support for PulseAudio
# Text editing
A,P,emacs,The extensible customizable self-documenting real-time display editor
@ -204,6 +209,7 @@ A,P,docker-compose,Yee container Yee
D,P,steam,play play have fun
D,A,legendary,epic but better
D,A,protontricks,proton enhancements
A,P,mumble,The best Voiceclient <3
# downgrade packages

1 # First column: A = All, L = Laptop, D = Desktop
23 A,P,qt5ct,Tool to change themes for qt apps
24 A,P,papirus-icon-theme,icons
25 # libraries L,P,wireless_tools,Used for lemonbar output
26 # libraries
27 # A,M,pyorgmode,lib to create and modify orgmode files used in quteb script
28 # Tablet related
29 A,P,xf86-input-wacom,xsetwacom
30 A,A,digimend-kernel-drivers-dkms-git,drivers for the huion tablet A,A,digimend-kernel-drivers-dkms,drivers for the huion tablet
31 A,P,at,used to run the set button script after udev trigger
32 # Package management
33 A,P,reflector,A script to retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list.
34 # Fonts
35 # A,A,ttf-iosevka,Systemfont
36 # A,A,ttf-iosevka-term,Systemfont Terminal
93 A,P,xournalpp,Notetaking and sketching application A,P,pulseaudio-bluetooth,Bluetooth support for PulseAudio
94 # emacs reqs # Text editing
95 A,P,pandoc,A universal document converter A,P,emacs,The extensible customizable self-documenting real-time display editor
96 A,P,auctex,latexpreview A,P,xournalpp,Notetaking and sketching application
A,P,texlive-core,latex export (orgmode)
A,P,texlive-latexextra,latex export (orgmode)
A,P,texlive-bibtexextra,Latex biblatex support
A,P,texlive-science,Latex Math support
A,P,texlive-fontsextra,More latex fonts
A,P,biber,Citation for latex (new backend)
97 A,P,minted,Syntaxhighlighting for Latex # emacs reqs
98 A,P,pandoc,A universal document converter
99 A,P,auctex,latexpreview
100 A,P,texlive-core,latex export (orgmode)
101 A,P,texlive-latexextra,latex export (orgmode)
102 A,P,texlive-bibtexextra,Latex biblatex support
103 A,P,texlive-science,Latex Math support
104 A,P,texlive-fontsextra,More latex fonts
105 A,P,biber,Citation for latex (new backend)
106 A,P,minted,Syntaxhighlighting for Latex
107 # Mail -> GNUS
108 # Mail -> GNUS # A,A,mu,Maildir indexer/searcher and Emacs client (mu4e)
109 # A,A,mu,Maildir indexer/searcher and Emacs client (mu4e) # A,P,offlineimap,Synchronizes emails between two repositories
110 # A,P,offlineimap,Synchronizes emails between two repositories # A,P,claws-mail,Mailclient written in C