@ -1 +1,2 @@
@ -1,4 +1,125 @@
use std::{env, sync::Arc};
use cassandra_cpp::{stmt, Session};
use crate::repo::Result;
use crate::model::todo::Todo;
pub struct TodoRepository {
pub struct TodoRepository {
connection: String,
session: Arc<Session>,
table: String,
table: String,
impl TodoRepository {
pub fn new(session: Arc<Session>) -> TodoRepository {
let keyspace_name =
env::var("KEYSPACE_NAME").expect("Value should be definitely set in init");
let table = format!("{keyspace_name}.todo");
let query = stmt!(&format!(
id uuid,
user_id uuid,
title text,
priority varchar,
status varchar,
description text,
PRIMARY KEY (id, user_id)
.expect("Should create todo table if not exists");
// Create a secondary index so we can also query for todos of specific users
// without the use of ALLOW FILTERING (because this might be slow)
let query = stmt!(&format!("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ON {table} (user_id);"));
.expect("Should create secondary index for user_id column");
TodoRepository { session, table }
/// Creates OR updates the provided todo.
pub fn create(&self, todo: &Todo) -> Result<()> {
// We can just create todos, nothing to check beforehand
// Trying out the JSON syntax
// This is quite nice since cassandra just updates the record if
// the primary key (id, user_id) are already present
let json = todo.to_json()?;
log::debug!("Got this json for the query: {json:?}");
let query = stmt!(&format!("INSERT INTO {} JSON '{}';", self.table, json));
// REMARK: Not required right now
// pub fn read(&self, id: &uuid::Uuid) -> Result<Option<Todo>> {
// let uuid = cassandra_cpp::Uuid::from(id.clone());
// let mut query = stmt!(&format!("SELECT JSON * FROM {} WHERE id = ?", self.table));
// query.bind_uuid(0, uuid).expect("Binds id");
// Ok(match self.session.execute(&query).wait()?.first_row() {
// Some(row) => Some(Todo::from_json(&format!("{row}"))),
// None => None,
// })
// }
// REMARK: Not required right now
// pub fn read_all(&self) -> Result<Vec<Todo>> {
// let query = stmt!(&format!("SELECT JSON * FROM {}", self.table));
// Ok(self
// .session
// .execute(&query)
// .wait()?
// .iter()
// .map(|json| Todo::from_json(&format!("{json}")))
// .collect())
// }
pub fn read_all_by_user_id(&self, user_id: &uuid::Uuid) -> Result<Vec<Todo>> {
let mut query = stmt!(&format!(
"SELECT JSON * FROM {} WHERE user_id = ?",
let uuid = cassandra_cpp::Uuid::from(user_id.clone());
query.bind_uuid(0, uuid).expect("Bind user_id");
.map(|json| Todo::from_json(&format!("{json}")))
// REMARK: Not required right now
// pub fn update(&self, todo: &Todo) -> Result<()> {
// // Read the comment in create
// self.create(todo)
// }
pub fn delete(&self, id: &uuid::Uuid, user_id: &uuid::Uuid) -> Result<()> {
let mut query = stmt!(&format!(
"DELETE FROM {} WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ?",
let id_uuid = cassandra_cpp::Uuid::from(id.clone());
let user_id_uuid = cassandra_cpp::Uuid::from(user_id.clone());
query.bind_uuid(0, id_uuid).expect("Bind id");
query.bind_uuid(1, user_id_uuid).expect("Bind user_id");
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
use actix_identity::Identity;
use actix_session::Session;
use actix_web::{
http::{header::ContentType, Method},
post, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Responder, HttpMessage,
use crate::{model::user::User, repo::user_repository::UserRepository};
pub mod todo_routes;
pub mod user_routes;
/// Helper function to get a valid User from session.
fn get_user_from_session(session: Session) -> Option<User> {
match session.get::<User>("user") {
Ok(Some(user)) => Some(user),
Ok(None) => {
log::warn!("Could no DESERIALIZE user from session despite someone is logged in");
Err(err) => {
log::warn!("Could no GET user from session despite someone is logged in: {err}");
/// Handles any route that is not defined explicitly.
pub async fn index(id: Option<Identity>, method: Method) -> impl Responder {
match method {
Method::GET => match id {
Some(id) => HttpResponse::Ok()
"You are logged in. Welcome! ({:?})",
None => HttpResponse::Unauthorized().body("Please log in to continue!"),
_ => HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish(),
/// Creates an Identity in the session if the provided credentials are valid.
pub async fn post_login(
req: HttpRequest,
payload: web::Json<User>,
repo: web::Data<UserRepository>,
session: Session,
) -> impl Responder {
log::debug!("Received {payload:?}");
match {
Ok(Some(user)) => {
if payload.salt() == "" {
log::debug!("Initial login request with empty salt: {payload:?}");
HttpResponse::Ok().json(format!("{{ 'salt': '{}' }}", user.salt()))
} else if payload.hash() == user.hash() {
log::debug!("User successfully logged in: {payload:?} == {user:?}");
// TODO: Mayb handle more gracefully
Identity::login(&req.extensions(), format!("{}",
.expect("Log the user in");
// TODO: Mayb handle more gracefully
.insert("user", payload.0)
.expect("Insert user into session");
} else {
log::debug!("Wrong password hash for user: {payload:?} != {user:?}");
Ok(None) => {
log::debug!("User not found: {payload:?}");
Err(_) => {
let msg = format!("Could not create user: {payload:?}");
log::debug!("{}", msg);
/// Removes the current Identity from the session -> logs the user out.
pub async fn delete_logout(id: Identity) -> impl Responder {
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
use actix_identity::Identity;
use actix_session::Session;
use actix_web::{
delete, get, put,
web::{self, Json},
HttpResponse, Responder,
use crate::{
model::todo::Todo, repo::todo_repository::TodoRepository, routes::get_user_from_session,
// IDEA: Depending on role see all todos not just your own (Group todos)
/// Fetches a list of all todos belonging to the currently logged in user.
pub async fn get_todo(
_id: Identity,
session: Session,
repo: web::Data<TodoRepository>,
) -> impl Responder {
match get_user_from_session(session) {
Some(user) => match repo.read_all_by_user_id( {
Ok(todos) => HttpResponse::Ok().json(todos),
Err(err) => {
log::warn!("Could not fetch todos: {err}");
None => HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish(),
// IDEA: Let users create todos for other users if role allows it
/// Creates or updates the todo provided in the body of the request.
pub async fn put_todo(
_id: Identity,
session: Session,
repo: web::Data<TodoRepository>,
todo: Json<Todo>,
) -> impl Responder {
let mut todo = todo; // To set user_id from session
match get_user_from_session(session) {
Some(user) => {
match repo.create(&todo) {
Ok(_) => HttpResponse::Ok().finish(),
Err(err) => {
log::warn!("Error while creating or updating {todo:?}. ERROR: {err}");
None => HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish(),
/// Deletes a todo via its id which is provided in the url.
/// Example `http://localhost/todo/uuid-of-the-todo-to-delete`.
pub async fn delete_todo(
_id: Identity,
session: Session,
repo: web::Data<TodoRepository>,
todo_id: web::Path<uuid::Uuid>,
) -> impl Responder {
match get_user_from_session(session) {
Some(user) => {
match repo.delete(&todo_id, {
Ok(_) => HttpResponse::Ok().finish(),
Err(err) => {
log::warn!("Error while deleting todo with id {todo_id}: {err}");
None => HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish(),
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
use actix_identity::Identity;
// TODO: Guard for login
use actix_web::{get, web, Responder, HttpResponse, put, post};
use crate::{repo::user_repository::UserRepository, model::user::User};
// TODO: Only allow if role is admin (If I implement roles for this evaluation...)
/// Returns a json list of all users.
pub async fn get_user(_id: Identity, repo: web::Data<UserRepository>) -> impl Responder {
match repo.read_all() {
Ok(users) => {
Err(err) => {
log::error!("Could not read from user repo: {err}");
.body(format!("Could not read from user repo: {err}"))
// REMARK: This uses the non-JSON way of inserting into cassandra
// this is why we need two separate REST endpoints to do the creates/updates
// whereas the todo api only requires PUT (it uses the JSON INSERT in cassandra)
// TODO: Only admin users should be able to modify other users but users should be
// able to modify themself -> Requires roles to be implemented
/// Updates an existing user.
pub async fn put_user(
_id: Identity,
payload: web::Json<User>,
repo: web::Data<UserRepository>,
) -> impl Responder {
log::debug!("Received {payload:?}");
match repo.update(&payload.0) {
Ok(_) => HttpResponse::Ok().finish(),
Err(err) => {
let msg = format!("{err}: {payload:?}");
log::debug!("{}", msg);
// TODO: For a real app, impl smth like a registration-secret or email verification
/// Creates a new user.
pub async fn post_user(payload: web::Json<User>, repo: web::Data<UserRepository>) -> impl Responder {
log::debug!("Received {payload:?}");
let user = User::new(payload.login(), payload.hash(), payload.salt());
match repo.create(&user) {
Ok(_) => {
log::debug!("Successfully created {user:?}");
Err(err) => {
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
docker run --rm -it nuvo/docker-cqlsh cqlsh 9042 --cqlversion='3.4.5'
Reference in new issue