* Example Configs for Several Useful Modes For example configs take a look at the files provided in this repo. ** Editorconfig Official Documentation: https://editorconfig.org/ The file ~.editorconfig~ can be placed somewhere in the directory tree above the files you want the config to take affect in. #+begin_example ├── .editorconfig ├── org1 │ └── my-app1 │ └──── index.html <- takes affect here └── org2 └── my-app2 └──── index.html <- takes affect here as well #+end_example *** Requirements #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output scalar (straight-use-package 'editorconfig) (editorconfig-mode t) #+end_src ** Prettier (JS/TS Code Formatter) Official Documentation: https://prettier.io/ #+begin_example ├── .prettierrc.json ├── org1 │ └── my-app1 │ └──── index.tsx <- takes affect here └── org2 └── my-app2 └──── index.jsx <- takes affect here as well #+end_example *** Requirements #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output scalar (straight-use-package 'prettier-js) (add-hook 'web-tide-mode-hook 'prettier-js-mode) #+end_src