%----------Danksagung/Acknowledgments-------------------------------------------------------------- \addsec{Acknowledgments} Firstly, I want to thank all the 53 people that either participated in the over two hour long main study, the preliminary finger force study, the preliminary telephone interview or the crowdsourcing of the required texts for merely a thanks or some 3D-printed goodies. Furthermore, I want to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. techn. Priv.-Doz. Andreas Riener for his great input and guidance throughout this whole thesis. The always fast and candid support regarding all my concerns was highly appreciated! Further, I want to thank Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Franz Regensburger for the initial feedback about all my ideas for a thesis, which helped me to ultimately decide on this topic. Additionally, I want to thank Eliis Lohoff, Nikola Brandl and Lukas Hanser for proofreading my thesis. Moreover, I want thank my girlfriend, mother and grandma for the emotional support and all the encouraging words during my whole studies. ― Philip