\section{Methodology} \label{sec:methodology} \subsection{Research Approach} Because of the controversial findings about the impact of key actuation forces on speed \cite{akagi_keyswitch, loricchio_force_speed} and the fact, that keyboard related work can increase the risk for \gls{WRUED} \cite{ccfohas_wrued, pascarelli_wrued}, we decided to further investigate possible effects of different actuation forces and even a keyboard equipped with non-uniform actuation forces on speed, error rate and satisfaction. To our best knowledge, to this date, there is no published work about the influence of a keyboard with non-uniform actuation forces on these metrics. Therefore, we first asked seventeen people about their preferences, experiences and habits related to keyboards to get a better understanding on what people might prefer as a baseline for the design of the adjusted keyboard (keyboard with non-uniform actuation forces) and to complement the findings obtained through our literature review. Further, we collected information about available mechanical keyswitches on the market. Additionally, we conducted a small preliminary experiment with 6 subjects, where we measured the peak forces each individual finger of the right hand was able to apply to distinct keys in different locations. We then created the design for the adjusted keyboard based on those measurements. Lastly, an experiment with twenty-four participants was conducted, where we compared the performance and user satisfaction while using four different keyboards, including our adjusted keyboard, to values obtained with the participant's own keyboards. \subsection{Preliminary telephone interview} Some of the studies we found that researched implications of actuation force on speed, preference or other metrics were published between 1984 and 2010. That is why we wanted to ascertain if and how, with the advance of technology in recent years and especially the capabilities modern smartphones offer, keyboard usage has changed. Further, we wanted to gather information about the preference of key resistance, keyswitch type and experiences with \gls{WRUED}. Therefore, we conducted a structured interview with seventeen volunteers (59\% females) via telephone. The age of the subjects ranged between 22 and 52 with a mean age of 29 years. The professions of subjects were distributed among medical workers, students, office employees, computer engineers and community workers. The first question we asked was \textit{``Which keyboard in terms of actuation force would be the most satisfying for you to use in the long run?''}. Thirteen (76\%) out of the seventeen subjects mentioned, that they would prefer a keyboard with light actuation force over a keyboard with higher resistance. The next question \textit{``Have you ever had pain when using a keyboard and if so, where did you have pain?''} yielded, that 41\% of those polled experienced pain at least once while using a keyboard. The areas affected described by the seven who already experienced pain were the wrist \underline{and} forearm (3 out of 7), wrist only (2 out of 7), fingers (1 out of 7) and forearm only (1 out of 7). The results for the third question \textit{``Which keyboard are you currently using and for how many hours a day on average?''} were in line with the statements we found during our literature review \cite{ergopedia_keyswitch, peery_3d_keyswitch}. Nine answered that they use a notebook (scissor-switches, membrane), six stated that they use an external keyboard with rubber dome switches and only two responded that they use a keyboard featuring mechanical keyswitches. The average, self-reported, usage ranged between half an hour and 10 hours with a mean of 4.71 hours. It is important to note, that a study by Mikkelsen et al. found, that self-reported durations related to computer work can be inaccurate \cite{mikkelsen_duration}. The last question \textit{``Which tasks do you still prefer to perform with a keyboard rather than your mobile phone?''} revealed, that all of the subjects preferred to use a keyboard when entering greater amounts of data (emails, applications, presentations, calculations, research), but also surprisingly 41\% preferred to use a keyboard to write instant messages (chatting via Whatsapp Web\footnote{\url{https://web.whatsapp.com/}}, Signal Desktop\footnote{\url{https://signal.org/download/}}, Telegram Desktop\footnote{\url{https://desktop.telegram.org/}}). \subsection{Market analysis of available mechanical keyswitches} \label{sec:market_forces} To gather information about available actuation forces, we collected the product lines of keyswitches for all well known manufacturers, namely Cherry\footnote{\url{https://www.cherrymx.de/en/mx-original/mx-red.html}}, Kailh\footnote{\url{https://www.kailhswitch.com/mechanical-keyboard-switches/}}, Gateron\footnote{\url{http://www.gateron.com/col/58459?lang=en}}, Matias\footnote{\url{http://matias.ca/switches/}}, Razer\footnote{\url{https://www.razer.com/razer-mechanical-switches}} and Logitech\footnote{\url{https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/innovation/mechanical-switches.html}}. Since some of the key actuation forces listed on the manufacturers or resellers websites were given in cN and most of them in g or gf, the values were adjusted to gram to reflect a trend that is within a margin of ± 2 g of accuracy. The results shown in Figure \ref{fig:keyswitches_brands} are used to determine the minimum, maximum and most common actuation force for broadly available keyswitches. According to our findings, the lowest commercially available actuation force is 35 g ($\approx$ 0.34 \gls{N}) the most common one is 50 g ($\approx$ 0.49 \gls{N}) and the highest resistance available is 80 g ($\approx$ 0.78 \gls{N}). \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{images/keyswitches_brands} \caption{Available actuation forces for keyswitches of major keyswitch manufacturers} \label{fig:keyswitches_brands} \end{figure} \subsection{Preliminary study of finger strength} To evaluate the impact of an adjusted keyboard (keyboard with non-uniform actuation forces) on performance and satisfaction we first needed to get an understanding on how to distribute keyswitches with different actuation forces across a keyboard. Our first idea was to use a similar approach to the keyboard we described in Section \ref{sec:lr_sum}, were the force required to activate the keys decreased towards the left and right ends of the keyboard. This rather simple approach only accounts for the differences in finger strength when all fingers are in the same position, but omits possible differences in applicable force depending on the position a finger has to enter to press a certain key. To detect possible differences in peak force depending on the position of the fingers, we conducted an experiment with six volunteers (50\% females). Subject's ages ranged from 20 to 26 with a mean age of 24 years. The subjects were all personal contacts. Subjects professions were distributed as follows: computer science students (3/6), physiotherapist (1/6), user experience consultant (1/6) and retail (1/6). All Participants were given instructions to exert maximum force for approximately one second onto the key mounted to the measuring device described in Section \ref{sec:force_meas_dev}. We also used a timer to announced when to press and when to stop. We provided a keyboard to every participant, which was used as a reference for the finger position before every measurement. To reduce order effects, we used a balanced latin square to specify the sequence of rows (top, home, bottom) in which the participants had to press the keys \cite{bradley_latin_square}. Additionally, because there were only six people available, we alternated the direction from which participants had to start in such a way, that every second subject started with the little finger instead of the index finger. An example of four different positions of the finger while performing the measurements for the keys \textit{Shift, L, I} and \textit{Z} can be observed in Figure \ref{fig:FM_example}. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=1.0\textwidth]{images/FM_example} \caption{Prototype of the force measuring device used to gather data about the maximum applicable force to a key with different finger positions. The positions for certain keys are simulated by aligning the wrist pad (left picture) to the scale of the device. The four different positions for the keys \textit{Shift, L, I, Z} (right pictures) are color coded according to the keys on the scale} \label{fig:FM_example} \end{figure} The results of the measurements are given in Table \ref{tbl:finger_force}. The median of the means (15.47 N) of all measurements was used to calculate the actuation forces in gram for the keyswitches later incorporated in the layout for adjusted keyboard. We used Eq. (\ref{eq:N_to_g}) and Eq. (\ref{eg:actuation_forces}) to calculate the gram values for each measured keyswitch. \begin{equation} \label{eq:N_to_g} GFR = \frac{50 g}{M_{maf}} = \frac{50 g}{14.47 N} = 3.23 \frac{g}{N} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:actuation_forces} AF_{key} = GFR * MAF_{key} \end{equation} With $M_{maf}$ the median of the means of applicable forces, $50 g$ the most commonly found actuation force on the market (Section \ref{sec:market_forces}), $GFR_{key}$ the gram to force ratio, $MAF_{key}$ the median of applicable force for a specific key and $AF_{key}$ the actuation force for that specific key in grams. An example where we calculated the theoretical actuation force for the \textit{P} key can be seen in Eq. (\ref{eq:force_example}). \begin{equation} \label{eq:force_example} AF_{P} = GFR * MAF_{P} = 3.23 \frac{g}{N} * 10.45 N \approx 33.75 g \end{equation} Because there are only certain spring % Custom spring stiffness % https://www.engineersedge.com/spring_comp_calc_k.htm \begin{table*}[] \centering \ra{1.3} \begin{tabularx}{13cm}{?l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l} \toprule \multicolumn{8}{c}{\textbf{Bottom Row}}\\ \rowstyle{\itshape} \emph{Key} & ↑ & - & : & ; & M & N & B \\ \midrule \emph{Mean Force (N)} & 11.23 & 10.84 & 14.22 & 15.34 & 16.38 & 15.6 & 14.36\\ \emph{Actuation Force (g)} & 36.05 & 34.8 & 45.65 & 49.24 & 52.58 & 50.08 & 46.1\\ \end{tabularx} \begin{tabularx}{13cm}{?l^l^l^l^l^l^l^X} \multicolumn{8}{c}{\textbf{Home Row}}\\ \rowstyle{\itshape} \emph{Key} & Ä & Ö & L & K & J & H &\\ \midrule \emph{Mean Force (N)} & 11.88 & 12.27 & 15.84 & 18.56 & 17.78 & 18.43 &\\ \emph{Actuation Force (g)} & 38.13 & 39.39 & 50.85 & 59.58 & 57.07 & 59.16 &\\ \end{tabularx} \begin{tabularx}{13cm}{?l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l} \multicolumn{8}{c}{\textbf{Top Row}}\\ \rowstyle{\itshape} \emph{Key} & + & Ü & P & O & I & U & Z \\ \midrule \emph{Mean Force (N)} & 10.8 & 10.7 & 10.45 & 14.34 & 17.95 & 17.0 & 16.8 \\ \emph{Actuation Force (g)} & 34.67 & 34.35 & 33.54 & 46.03 & 57.62 & 54.57 & 53.93\\ \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \caption{Maximum force measurements for all digits of the right hand in different positions. The mean force of six participants is shown in the first row of each table and the resulting actuation force for the corresponding keyswitch in the following row. The columns indicate the label of the scale on the measuring device which can be seen in Figure \ref{fig:FM_example}. \textit{↑} stands for the shift key.} \end{table*}