@ -231,7 +231,8 @@ on muscle activity, we could not identify significant differences in terms of \%
of \glsfirst{MVC} for any of our \gls{EMG} measurements. Only a slight trend,
that \textit{Nyx (35 g)} produced the highest flexor \%\gls{MVC} for only 14\%
of participants, could be interpreted as anecdotal evidence towards our
hypothesis, that actuation force has an impact on muscle activity.
hypothesis, that actuation force has an impact on muscle activity. Therefore we
have to reject our hypothesis.
\begin{phga_hyp*}[4 $\rightarrow$ \xmark]
Differences in actuation force influence muscle activity while typing.
@ -262,9 +263,49 @@ other keyboards. \textit{I3Z4XI7H} also reported in the post-experiment
interview, that \textit{Hera} was surprisingly pleasant to use and that pain was
significantly lower than with all other keyboards including
\textit{Own}. However, because of the nearly identical scores to
\textit{Aphrodite} we have to reject our hypothesis, that an adjusted keyboard
is more satisfactory to use than standard keyboards.
\textit{Aphrodite} in almost all categories, we have to reject our hypothesis,
that an adjusted keyboard is more satisfactory to use than standard keyboards.
\begin{phga_hyp*}[7 $\rightarrow$ \xmark]
An adjusted keyboard is perceived as more satisfactory to type with compared to standard keyboards.
An adjusted keyboard is perceived as more satisfactory to type with compared
to standard keyboards.
Similarly, the resulting error rates measured for \textit{Hera (35 - 60 g)} were
close to equal to the results of \textit{Aphrodite (50 g)} and for speed related
metrics between those two keyboards only slight improvements while using
\textit{Hera} in \gls{WPM} (0.8\%), \gls{AdjWPM} (0.6\%) and \gls{KSPS} (1\%)―
that were not statistically significant―were recorded during our experiment. It
was still interesting to see, that \textit{Hera} was the fastest, out of all
four test keyboards, for eleven (45\%) out of the twenty-four subjects and that
albeit the usage of 30\% keyswitches\footnote{That were actually pressed during
our typing tests} that required 35 - 40 g actuation force, which is similar to
the actuation force of \textit{Nyx (35 g)}, we did not see comparably high error
rates. Because of the lacking evidence, that an adjusted keyboard produces less
errors or supports the typist in achieving higher typing speeds, we have to
reject our two hypotheses regarding those improvements.
\begin{phga_hyp*}[5 $\rightarrow$ \xmark]
An adjusted keyboard improves typing speed compared to standard keyboards
(efficiency - speed).
\begin{phga_hyp*}[6 $\rightarrow$ \xmark]
An adjusted keyboard is perceived as more satisfactory to type with compared
to standard keyboards.
Our experiment basically revealed, that keyboards which utilized keyswitches
with actuation forces that were neither to light (35 g) nor to heavy (80 g),
generally outperformed keyboards which featured those extreme actuation
forces. In the following section, we elaborate on possible limitations of our
experimental design and future research that could be reasonable to further
investigate advantages and disadvantages of adjusted keyboard designs.
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